Grace shifts.




grace shifts

hello, hello!

I hope you are having a great Summer!


While the world is in a wild and somewhat unprecedented season, God is still the same and He changes not; Jesus is still King of kings and Lord of lords and the Holy Spirit is still our heaven-sent Helper … that means, the future is bright for you my fellow believer!


Today, let me encourage you to tune out the noise around you and tune in to grace of God. In our blog tradition, let me do that by sharing “A Word, A Song and a Laugh.” 



“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”

1 Corinthians 15:10, NIV



Are you in a “grace shift?”


Not sure? Let me start by asking you a series of questions to see if you can identify yourself.


Are you in an “in-between” season and trying to figure out what to do next? Or, are you thinking of starting a business, but not sure if or how? Or, do you desire a ministry pathway, but don’t know how to get started? Or, are you full of vision, but not sure where to put your energy? Or, are you ready to pass the baton of your church or family business, but not sure how or when? Or, are you lacking vision and feeling directionless? Or, are things that were once exciting and fun and now boring and dull? Or … a million other combinations?


If you are in that unsettled place of trying to figure out how to dial in to what the Lord wants to do in and through your life, you may be in a grace shift.


Don’t fear. Don’t panic. Don’t despair.


Let me give you some examples:


For nearly 32 years my husband and I founded and pastored Valley Family Church and in addition, I wrote over twenty books to help people learn the Bible basics. Throughout those decades we knew we were operating smack dab in the middle of God’s will and by His grace! God’s grace filled us with vision, energy, ability and passion. We worked hard and kept our foot on the gas, but there was also an ease because it wasn’t us, but it was the grace of God that was with us! Just as the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:10 and 15:10,


“According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.” (1 Corinthians 3:10)


But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.” (1 Corinthians 15:10)


Everything we did, we did by the grace of God. According to the grace of God, we built the church and laid a foundation, but then the time came (the grace shifted) for another to build on the foundation we had laid.


When the grace began to shift, it was unsettling at first. The vision, energy and passion we had for the things we once loved seemed to wane. We still loved the Lord; we still loved the church and we still loved teaching the basics, but … the grace to do those things was shifting!


Ultimately, we realized our season and assignment was shifting. God’s grace was leading us to pass the baton of the church leadership to the next generation.


Now, it’s easy to look back and recognize what the Lord was doing, however at the time, in the moment, it took us a minute to discern the grace shift. Once we discerned that God’s grace was leading us to transition the church and move into a new season, we leaned into that. Again, we worked hard to have a successful succession at the church, but it wasn’t us it was the grace of God that was with us. At the same time, the Lord by His grace has been guiding us into a new season with new friends, new endeavors and new assignments. (I’ll be sharing more this fall!)


So, what about you? According to the grace upon you, what are you doing? By God’s grace you are what you are and yet it’s not you, it’s the grace — right? What is God’s grace doing in your life? Where is God’s grace leading you? When you recognize the season you are in and you discover the grace of God that is upon you — there is nothing better!


Can I encourage you to spend the rest of the summer getting settled in God’s grace. Take some time to pray. Listen to His still small voice. Discern His grace and run into it! By God’s grace be who you are and do what you do.


Amen? Amen!




here are a few quick reminders…


📱 1. the basics with beth app  📱


As mentioned in our last blog, we are testing out the “Basics With Beth” App - which is packed with Bible studies and our online courses, plus the App gives you access to a treasure trove of books, worksheets, videos, blogs, podcasts and exclusive premium content. We are evaluating the effectiveness — “the grace upon” — the App and would love to hear from those of you who use the App! 📱


It’s easy to get started.


Step 1: Select the App Plan you desire (click here to select Intro, Standard or Advanced plan) and get your login credentials.


Step 2: Download the “Basics With Beth” app for free from the Apple App Store. (The App looks like this)


Step 3: Open up the App, use your login credentials and enjoy a transformative journey with the Lord and His Word.

2. new on the app:

🙏🏼  the guided 1-hour prayer experience  🙏🏼


We have launched the brand new, guided 1-Hour Prayer Experience in audio and/or video formats for those who are subscribed to the Standard or Advanced Plan on the Basics With Beth App. In the guided 1-Hour Prayer Experience (which you can do in 60-minutes, 30-minutes or 5-minute increments), I will lead you on a prayer journey through the six prayer pitstops in The Lord’s Prayer. I will give you audio/video prayer prompts at each pitstop along with 5-10 minutes of worship music for you to use as background music as you pray. You can use the guided 1-Hour Prayer Experience everyday and I promise, it will be a game changer for you! To get the guided 1-Hour Prayer Experience, just go to, get the App and subscribe to the Standard or Advanced Plan. Then, watch for the guided 1-Hour Prayer Experience to show up in your App by April 15th!



As you ponder God’s grace upon your life, let these songs minister to you.


Good Grace, by Hillsong


Grace, by CityAlight


Grace Got You, by MercyMe


peace, love and blessings,



It takes grace to be Joan! :)


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