Fully convinced?




fully convinced …

hey hey,

In today’s blog, I am sharing “A Word, A Song and A Laugh” to encourage you in the basics of your faith.




“He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.”

Romans 4:21


God loves faith! Over and over, the Bible tells us that God is pleased when we have faith in Him and His Word — that’s because He knows the blessings that come into our lives through faith! God wants His children to live by faith. Faith gives substance to the things we hope for. Faith is the believers secret weapon and supernatural advantage!


So, what is faith? Simply put: faith is taking God at His Word.


Faith is being fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises!


What has God promised you? Can you be specific? Do you have a Scripture and verse? When did God speak this promise to your heart?


Are you fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promised?


If you are fully convinced, what do you do? Do what Abraham did and “give glory to God.” Abraham never weakened in his faith, he grew stronger and continued to thank and praise God. Through his faith (and patience), he inherited the promise!


“No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God, fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.” Romans 4:20-21, AMPC


If you aren’t convinced, what do you do? Get more faith until you are fully persuaded. Faith only comes one way — through hearing God’s Word. The more we search God’s Word for His promises, the more He speaks to us and as His Word comes to our heart, so too - faith comes! Don’t let doubt or indifference keep you from experiencing God’s promises — add to your faith until you are fully convinced of God’s ability to fulfill His promises to YOU!


“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” Romans 10:17, NLT


I hope you’ll review God’s promises to you and once you’re fully convinced God is able to do whatever He’s promised — give Him glory and watch what happens!




Faith comes as we hear God’s Word and often His Word can come to us through songs, give these songs a listen and build your faith!


Your Word - Hillsong - let faith arise!!


Hold On - Katy Nichols - let your faith be strengthened!


The Name of Jesus - Sinach - let this take your faith to another level!


peace, love and blessings,




Won’t He do it? :)


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Feeling overlooked?




feel overlooked?

hey hey,

I hope you are having a great week! Every Wednesday this month, I am sharing “A Word, A Song and A Laugh” by sending you this blog with a short podcast to encourage you. Today, I pray you are reminded of how much God loves you — you are not overlooked by Him!




My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.

Luke 15:31


Everyone loves the Prodigal Son and the amazing story of the Father’s unconditional love and forgiveness…but what about the “other brother”?


What about the older brother who had been faithfully serving his father, but felt overlooked, hidden and unappreciated.


What is the Father’s heart toward faithful Christians who feel overlooked?


Give this 11-minute podcast a listen to get a fresh perspective. Just click the box below




I hope you let these words penetrate your heart and experience God’s love for you afresh! All that He has is yours!


God Really Loves Us - Crowder, Dante Bowe - simple truth to put on repeat.


Your Nature - Kari Jobe - so good - listen and let this truth get in your spirit.


peace, love and blessings,




Don’t lose your joy!

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Call it as though!





call it as though!

hey hey,

I want to stir up your faith today! God has given us incredible power, promises and provisions - let's not be negligent - let's use them! I pray you are encouraged today by “a Word, a Song and a Laugh!”



A Word: "Therefore, [inheriting] the promise is the outcome of faith and depends [entirely] on faith, in order that it might be given as an act of grace (unmerited favor), to make it stable and valid and guaranteed to all his descendants—not only to the devotees and adherents of the Law, but also to those who share the faith of Abraham, who is [thus] the father of us all. As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. [He was appointed our father] in the sight of God in Whom he believed, Who gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed.” Romans 4:16-17, AMPC


I like the way the New King James Bible puts verse 17, “…God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did…”


To imitate God (Eph 4:1) and to walk in the type of faith that pleases Him, we are to call those things that do not exist as though they did! We are to speak of nonexistent things that God has promised as if they already existed!


What has God promised you? What doesn’t exist in the natural quite yet?


Speak of those things that don’t exist as if they do! (Note: we are not speaking of things that do exist as though they don’t - that’s denial, not faith.) We call things that are not as though they were! Are you speaking of these things as if they already existed? Are you calling things which do not exist as thought they did? You should! Today.


It might sound like this:


I call my family blessed and mightily used of God.


I call my body healed, strong and full of energy.


I call my brain, my bones, my nerves, my muscles, my digestive system, my reproductive system … (and whatever parts of your body you want to speak of) — I call you normal, strong, healthy, energized and fruitful!


I call my kids successful, loving, influential and kind.


I call my investments prosperous and multiplying.


I call my grandkids blessed and protected.


I call my products sold.


I call my business, my ministry, my life surrounded with favor.


I call my future bright and getting brighter every day!


I call my life long and satisfied.


Get the idea? Start calling things “as though!”



A Song: Today, I have one song for you! Put it on repeat and pray/sing it over your life and those you care about.


In Jesus Name (God of Possible), by Katy Nichole - sing it, speak it, say it, declare it! I’m speaking this over each one of you today!!

peace, love and blessings,


A Laugh: Calling spinach artichoke dip broccoli cheddar soup? Too far. :)

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Family Secrets :)



Family secrets …

hey hey,

I hope you are enjoying our 2023 blog! As promised, each Wednesday I will be sending you “a word, a song and a laugh.”


I pray you are blessed by today’s short and snappy blog.


A Word: “… All the families on earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:3, NLT


God gave Abraham (the father of our faith) a big promise of blessing for families! Galatians tells us that because of our faith in Jesus, we are also heirs of the blessing of Abraham! That means, it’s God’s desire that your family is blessed!


So what’s the secret? How do we cooperate with the Lord to experience a blessed family? A family blessed in relationships. Blessed in material blessings. Blessed in health. Blessed in love and kindness. Blessed in forgiveness. Blessed in fertility? Blessed in calling, vocation and influence? And blessed in so many other ways?


The secret is: Faith! Just like Abraham. Faith means: we believe God and His promises. We declare His promises over our families. We are led by the Spirit to love, communicate, honor and please the Lord in our daily choices with one another. Of course, there’s a lot we could say about families, but for today — let’s sing and declare God’s promises over our families!


One of the things we’ve declared over our family and our church family for the past 30+ years is this: “The Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus and the Angels of God surround you and protect you everywhere you go - spirit, soul and body - front to back, side to side and top to bottom! You are filled with God’s wisdom, surrounded with favor, full of His Spirit and you make good decisions. In Jesus Name. Amen!” Please feel free to adopt this same declaration of faith for your family and tweak it as you see fit.


A Song: Here are 3 songs you can sing over your family. Do it every day and watch what the Lord does!


Surrounded, by Valley Worship Team - I wrote this song several years ago based on the words (mentioned above) that we declared over our family and kids for decades. The Valley Worship Team fine tuned it and made this recording! We still sing and declare these things over our family and our church family.


Speak the Name of Jesus, by Charity Gayle (feat. Steven Musso) - This song says it all!


The Blessing, by Kari Jobe - Amazing, anointed song take from Numbers 6:24-26

peace, love and blessings,


A Laugh: It happens! :)


If you get an email like this, please not the “FROM” address is not from us. Do not open or click on anything. So sorry for these fakes. Ugh!!

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Oh Lord, you're beautiful



oh Lord you’re beautiful …

hey hey,

As we kick off 2023, I promised a short and snappy (and heartfelt) blog each Wednesday to encourage you in the the Lord.


You can expect these 3 things each Wednesday:


-A Word: faith-building Scripture (s) to encourage you in the Lord

-A Song: heartfelt song(s) to help you draw nearer to the Lord

-A Laugh: funny meme(s) to add a little joy to your life


A Word: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8


The beginning of the year is always a good time to forget the past and draw near to the Lord. It’s a great time to seek the Lord, to hear His voice, get His direction and experience His love in a fresh way. While He promises to never leave or forsake us; sometimes we need to retune our hearts to experience His presence.


The New Year is a great time to draw near to Him and say, “Yes” to the Lord.


A Song: Here are three songs that never fail to touch my heart and bring me nearer to Him. A couple of these are classic oldies, but goodies … no matter how old you are or what type of music you listen to, The last song is more recent and powerful. I hope you sense the Lord’s presence as you listen to all of them!


Oh Lord You’re Beautiful, by Keith Green - heartfelt/reflective


Hear Our Prayer, by Hillsong Worship - heartfelt/worshipful


I Say Yes, by Kim Walker-Smith - heartfelt/faith-filled


peace, love and blessings,


A Meme: The joy of the Lord is your strength!

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