I'm frustrated ... help!





pray it out …

hey hey,

Are you feeling frustrated? Disappointed? Impatient? Don’t know what to do? In today’s blog, I have good news for you. I pray you are encouraged with “A Word, A Song and A Laugh.”




“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:26-28


Today, I want to share this “Basic Thought” podcast I recorded in my car a few weeks ago.


How do we pray when we are frustrated, disappointed or at a loss on what to do? How do we pray when we have a “weakness” — an inability to get results? The good news is -- there is a way to pray to get results according to God’s perfect will.


We can "pray it out!"


I describe these feelings of "frustration or weakness" within us like having a “ball of yarn” on the inside that creates angst. (This ball of yarn is a metaphor for our frustration, disappointment and feelings of helplessness.) So, what can we do with the ball of yarn? Rather than being passive and allowing the frustrating ball of yarn to stay within us and thus, feel discouraged -- we can use all of that internal frustration energy and turn it into prayer.


We can pray out the ball of yarn and get that bundle of frustration, disappointment and helplessness into God’s hands (or, to stay with the analogy, get it into His knitting needles!) He will then cause all things to work together for you good!


For all of this to make sense, I encourage you to click the title below and listen to this message:




My Prayer for You - Alisa Turner - a new song to me, but so good!


Like Incense - Hillsong - an oldie, but one of my fav prayer declaration songs


Hear Our Prayer - Hillsong - an oldie, one of my go-to’s in times of prayer!



Be encouraged, there is hope in a time of frustration and discouragement.

peace, love and blessings,




Everybody is going through something! Pray it out Lucky! :)


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