The gift of encouragement!






the gift of encouragement

hey hey,

In today’s blog, (although I am one day behind!) I want to share “A Word, A Song and A Laugh” to encourage you in the art of encouragement.




“When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.”

Romans 1:12, NLT


Everyone needs encouragement. EVERY ONE. The world can be a hard place. People are focused on #1. We often beat ourselves up. The enemy works overtime to discourage us.


So, what’s the answer?




Encouragement works in two directions. We are to be givers and receivers.


We are to BE ENCOURAGERS. We can be on the lookout for ways to lift people up with our words, our time, our touch, our gifts and our acts of kindness. The Apostle Paul was an incredible encourager. Although he was persecuted, troubled and hard pressed, he still found a way to encourage people everywhere he went. He focused on the interests of others. We can be like the Apostle Paul.


>> Who have you intentionally encouraged lately? Who could (should) you encourage?


We also need to BE ENCOURAGED. We need the affirmation and validation others can give. None of us are a rock — only Jesus. :) Of course, ultimately whether we receive encouragement or not, we are to live for an audience of One. His pleasure and approval is what ultimately matters, but He’s created and wired us to need and enjoy the company and encouragement others provide. In a world of comparison, challenges and critics, it’s easy to get down on ourselves, but the Lord wants us to be encouraged. The Apostle Paul was a great encourager, but he also needed and appreciated the encouragement he received. We need it too.


>> Who has encouraged you lately? What did they say or do? How did it make you feel?


We may need to ENCOURAGE OURSELVES. Unfortunately, if we are not receiving the encouragement we need — we may need to encourage ourselves in the Lord. David (as in, King David!) had to encourage himself in the Lord when everyone was against him.


>> Have you encouraged yourself lately? How did you do it?


There is a law of sowing and reaping. In the realm of encouragement, as we sow encouragement into the lives of others, we will reap encouragement, too.


So today…


>> Make a decision to BE AN ENCOURAGER!


>> Ask the Lord to bring send people into your life so you can BE ENCOURAGED.


>> Be intentional to ENCOURAGE YOURSELF in the Lord.


Encouragement is a gift — I pray the Lord blesses you with the joy of giving it and receiving it.




Here are two songs to encourage you in the Lord. When you wake up, put these two songs on and turn ‘em up! March around your house and encourage yourself in the Lord. Woot!


I’ve Got the Victory, by Yolanda Adams — put your dancing shoes on and sing it out!


Stomp on the Devil’s Head, by Shekinah Glory — my husband and I used to turn this song up as we marched around our office before preaching on Sundays — we often had to encourage ourselves in the Lord and this song was the perfect one to fire us up!


peace, love and blessings,



This is an oldie, but goodie! :)

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