Oh Lord, you're beautiful



oh Lord you’re beautiful …

hey hey,

As we kick off 2023, I promised a short and snappy (and heartfelt) blog each Wednesday to encourage you in the the Lord.


You can expect these 3 things each Wednesday:


-A Word: faith-building Scripture (s) to encourage you in the Lord

-A Song: heartfelt song(s) to help you draw nearer to the Lord

-A Laugh: funny meme(s) to add a little joy to your life


A Word: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8


The beginning of the year is always a good time to forget the past and draw near to the Lord. It’s a great time to seek the Lord, to hear His voice, get His direction and experience His love in a fresh way. While He promises to never leave or forsake us; sometimes we need to retune our hearts to experience His presence.


The New Year is a great time to draw near to Him and say, “Yes” to the Lord.


A Song: Here are three songs that never fail to touch my heart and bring me nearer to Him. A couple of these are classic oldies, but goodies … no matter how old you are or what type of music you listen to, The last song is more recent and powerful. I hope you sense the Lord’s presence as you listen to all of them!


Oh Lord You’re Beautiful, by Keith Green - heartfelt/reflective


Hear Our Prayer, by Hillsong Worship - heartfelt/worshipful


I Say Yes, by Kim Walker-Smith - heartfelt/faith-filled


peace, love and blessings,


A Meme: The joy of the Lord is your strength!

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