How good is God?





how good is God?

hey hey,

I hope you are having a great week!


Today, I want to encourage you with a Word, a Song and a Laugh on the all-important topic of: The Goodness of God!


Soak it up!


A Word: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6


Perhaps, like me, you grew up with the idea that God was an ogre. A mean judge. Ready to bop you the minute you made a mistake. Or maybe you thought God was a critic of your every move and you couldn’t do anything right!


It’s possible you don’t know how good God is because you think He’s responsible for all the bad things that happen. Or maybe you think God “so loved the world” but you are not sure He loves, nor is pleased with, you.


Unfortunately, many pulpit messages reinforce these notions.


You will be happy to know (and reminded) that God is NONE of those things!


-He’s not an ogre - He’s kind and full of compassion. (Psalm 145:8-9)


-He’s not a mean judge - He’s rich in mercy. (Ephesians 2:4)

-He’s not ready to bop you - Jesus took the “bopping” our sins deserved on the cross. (Isaiah 53:5)


-He’s not a critic - He didn’t come to condemn but to save! (John 3:17)

-He’s not doing bad things - He wants you to taste and see that He is good! (Psalm 34:8)

-He doesn’t just love “the world” - He loves you. (John 17:23)

-He’s not disappointed in you - because you are in Jesus, you are His beloved and He is pleased with you! (Mark 1:11)


-He’s not withholding anything from you - it’s His good pleasure to give you the kingdom! (Psalm 84:11)


Once you exchange the “God isn’t good” lens with the biblical “God is good all the time” lens — you will see and experience the Lord in a whole new light! (Not only that, you’ll want to be more like Him in extending His goodness to those around you.)


Put your “God is good” glasses on by declaring: “Father, You are good. Always good. Always giving. Always loving. Always kind. Always patient. Always understanding. Always generous. Always rich in mercy and full of grace. Thank You that You are good to me!”


A Song: To help you experience God's goodness, let these songs fill your heart like warm honey!


Goodness of God, by Jenn Johnson - this song got me from the first line, “all my life You have been faithful…” and the rest of the song is equally moving. Enjoy!


God is Good, by Francesca Battistelli - this is an honest song about the ups and downs of life, the hopes deferred, the bitter and sweet parts of life - but in the end, God is good! It’s a very encouraging song.


How Good of God, by Matthew West - this is a happy song and oh so true! My heart can’t help but sing!

peace, love and blessings,


A Laugh: God is always good… us, not so much! :) #unhingedbehavior

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