In today’s short and snappy blog, I am sharing “A Word, A Song and A Laugh” to encourage you when it comes to marriage.
“Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage.”
Hebrews 13:4
‘Tis the season for engagements and weddings and anniversaries!
In honor of marriage and to celebrate all of the newly engaged couples, those planning weddings for this summer and all of the wedding anniversaries to be celebrated in the coming months, I hope you enjoy this Ode to Marriage and I hope you’ll share it with the lovebirds you know.
An Ode to Marriage
-by Beth Jones, 2008
Marriage is honorable and indeed it has been said,
There’s nothing better for a couple than to wed.
Commitment is the first step and once you say “I do”,
You’ll get thousands of opportunities to forget about “you.”
If she’s your best friend and he’s the salt-of-the-earth,
Your marriage has started with a nice birth.
Water and nurture your vows like a flower,
Put the Lord at your center if you want His power.
He’s a little boy in a big man’s body,
He wants your admiration even when he’s naughty.
She’s a princess in her own flick,
She wants your “ooh’s and aah’s”; after all she’s a chick.
Laughter is a must and you should get a lot,
To be sad or boring – you better not!
Smile when he’s a dork and laugh at her jokes,
Then you’ll grow into happy old folks.
Tell him he’s big, strong and oh…so smart,
These words go a long way, so start!
Tell her she’s pretty, funny and oh…so fab,
Don’t ever mention her hips or flab.
Sex is great and in marriage there is trust,
Both parties having pleasure is an absolute must.
Enjoy making love, that is what it’s named,
The plan from the beginning was naked and unashamed.
Pray for your spouse and serve them with gladness,
It will take extra grace, when there has been madness.
Talk and share and talk some more,
Conversation is the key that will open most doors.
Don’t live in anger, bitterness or strife,
It’s a terrible way to waste your life.
Forgiveness is the key and you better be snappy,
If you want a marriage that is full and happy.
Having children is one of life’s joys,
Doesn’t matter whether you have girls or boys.
They’ll steal your heart and improve your prayer life,
Then one day, they’ll too find a husband or wife.
They’ll probably find a mate like you,
So, no pressure, but they’ll watch everything you do.
Once again, the cycle will begin,
Love and marriage and lots of grins.
Love’s not a feeling or a Wedding Day goose-bump,
It’s a life-long vow, once you take the jump.
Marriage is a mystery and we know for sure,
It takes dedicated commitment to build a lasting “his and her.”
One of God’s gifts is a marriage blessed from above,
I wish all you lovebirds a lifetime of love.