Why the cross?





a free gift for you!

hey hey,

As Good Friday and Easter Sunday approaches, I wanted to remind you of how much God loves you! God’s love was manifested and demonstrated toward us through Jesus and His death on the cross.





For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


We are sending you the entire audio version of my book, “Why the Gory, Bloody Details” — to encourage you with a full understanding of the passion and the cross. I pray you sense the Lord reviving your heart in His love as you listen to this audio book. Click the box below…





Each week, I like to share an eclectic mix of new songs and oldies that emphasize our blog theme and that touch our hearts - enjoy! Here are a few bonus songs to celebrate Easter!


At the Cross by Darlene Zschech - from one of the best worship leaders of all time - this song is so anointed, so get alone and let the Lord minister to your heart with His love!


Thank You Jesus for the Blood by Charity Gayle - put it on repeat!


Mighty to Save by Hillsong - a classic and so good.


Ain’t No Grave by Bethel Music - here’s a bonus song to fire you up for Easter Sunday!


He’s Alive by Don Francisco - a legendary song - I heard this 1980 song when I was a new Christian and it’s impact still touches my heart.


Easter Song by Keith Green - he was a world-changing song writer and singer in the 70’s and his music shaped a generation of believers — like me! He was tragically killed in an airplane crash when he was 28 years old - his music lives on.



May you experience Jesus and His love in a fresh way this Easter week!

peace, love and blessings,




Go ahead … get to church Easter Sunday! :)

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Jesus delights in you!



Jesus delights in you …

hey hey,

Have you enjoyed Jesus lately? Are you resting in His love? I think He has a word for you today.


A Word: "For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17, NLT


Several years ago, I had a dream. I had just finished writing the book, Reinvent and I was laboring (with the Publisher) over what cover design would best suit this book. I had gone back and forth on several design ideas with the Publisher, but we couldn’t quite land on a cover we all loved.


So, one night I had a dream. In the dream, I was walking down an all white hallway, like you would see in an art museum, and there were two large and brightly colored pieces of art on the wall. I walked up to these two pieces and I was astounded at the vivid colors! The pieces of art almost seemed alive! They were so beautiful and thick and dimensional. When I touched them, they moved as if breathing. I was so excited about these amazing pieces of art and sort of lost in my exuberance, that when I looked up, I saw someone standing in the hallway watching me.


I realized this person was, Jesus! (I’ve had many dreams from the Lord over the years, but never with Jesus Himself actually IN the dream!) I was so happy to see Him. He had such a delighted smile and was laughing. I said to Him over and over, “Look at this? Is this heaven? This is amazing. Wow! Look at this art? It’s breathing and moving and the colors are so vivid…” I was just beside myself with joy and enthusiasm about the pieces of art and Jesus was just laughing and smiling. He seemed to be so delighted with MY delight about the art. He never said anything … but His smile. His laugh. His joy. His love. When I saw Him delight in the simple fact that I was so happy with these two pieces of art, it really gave me a fresh revelation on how much He loves us.


Then the dream ended.


When I woke up (and still today) I can’t forget His smile, laugh and His delighted disposition. He is kind. He is full of joy. He loves us!


So back to the book cover for a moment, the day after this dream, the Publisher sent me a book cover concept and it was full of paint brushes covered in vivid paint colors! I knew that was the cover design we should go with — and we did.


So, today - keep your heart centered on Jesus and remember He delights over you with gladness!!


A Song: Are you ready for 3 more songs? I love eclectic worship ... old school, gospel music, hymns, upbeat, mellow, thumping ... I love it all -- from ALL era's ... so I hope you enjoy being introduced to some of contemporary Christian music's pioneers (from the 70's) as well as current worshippers who may be less known than others. I love listening for the anointing and touch of God on music. I hope you enjoy these 3 songs …


Jesus, My Redeemer, Matthew Ward and Randy Stonehill - I cut my Christian teeth listening to these two legendary musicians…and this song written by Keith Green. Let’s go back to the early 80’s!


As the Deer, by Matt Gillman - moves me to the core!


Jesus, Strong and Kind, by CityAlight - sweet and inviting

peace, love and blessings,


A Laugh: Thank you, Jesus! #grace #grace

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Oh Lord, you're beautiful



oh Lord you’re beautiful …

hey hey,

As we kick off 2023, I promised a short and snappy (and heartfelt) blog each Wednesday to encourage you in the the Lord.


You can expect these 3 things each Wednesday:


-A Word: faith-building Scripture (s) to encourage you in the Lord

-A Song: heartfelt song(s) to help you draw nearer to the Lord

-A Laugh: funny meme(s) to add a little joy to your life


A Word: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8


The beginning of the year is always a good time to forget the past and draw near to the Lord. It’s a great time to seek the Lord, to hear His voice, get His direction and experience His love in a fresh way. While He promises to never leave or forsake us; sometimes we need to retune our hearts to experience His presence.


The New Year is a great time to draw near to Him and say, “Yes” to the Lord.


A Song: Here are three songs that never fail to touch my heart and bring me nearer to Him. A couple of these are classic oldies, but goodies … no matter how old you are or what type of music you listen to, The last song is more recent and powerful. I hope you sense the Lord’s presence as you listen to all of them!


Oh Lord You’re Beautiful, by Keith Green - heartfelt/reflective


Hear Our Prayer, by Hillsong Worship - heartfelt/worshipful


I Say Yes, by Kim Walker-Smith - heartfelt/faith-filled


peace, love and blessings,


A Meme: The joy of the Lord is your strength!

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