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one central hub for the bible basics!

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do any of these statements describe you?

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i would love to...

-Understand the basics of faith

-Experience God's love for myself 

-Receive God's healing power

-Find and fulfill my purpose

-Live by God's wisdom

-Feel closer to the Lord

-Be equipped to lead others to Christ

-Overcome an addiction

-Live in the joy of the Lord

-Experience abundance

-Get answers to prayer

-Feel closer to my family

i want to...

-Grow deeper with the Lord

-Understand God's will to heal me

-Feel more hope about the future

-Understand the Bible better

-Manage my emotions better

-Live a less lonely life

-Have better relationships 

-Have more confidence to help others 

-Make better choices for my life

-Get God's wisdom for my finances

-Have more faith

-Serve the Lord and others better

to get the app follow these simple steps:


>>  Step 1: Select the App Plan (below) for the  content you desire to access and get your login credentials.


>>  Step 2: Download the “Basics With Beth” App for free from the Apple App or Google Play Store. 

-Click to see what it looks like in the App Store.

-Click to see what it looks like in the Google Play Store


>>  Step 3: Open up the App, use your login credentials to enjoy a transformative journey with the Lord via the BWB App.

* Note: If you want the "Guided Prayer Experience" -- it is only offered to those who sign up for the Advanced Plan.

** Cancel anytime

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Includes: Everything below.

  • Access to all 5 video teaching messages in "The Inspired Life" mini-course 
  • Access to the "Where would you go if you died today?" video teaching 



Includes: Everything below.

  • Access to all 7 audio teaching messages in the "7 Basics" 
  • Access to the "Where would you go if you died today?" video teaching
  • Access to all 5 "Getting a Grip" online masterclass level courses
  • Access to all 22 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics"
  • Access to all 20 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Serving God"
  • Access to all 68 short teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Health and Healing"
  • Access to all 17 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Generous Living"
  • Access to all 10 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Prayer"
  • Access to all 5 video teaching messages in "The Inspired Life" mini-course 
  • Plus more!



Includes: Everything below.

  • NEW: "The Guided Prayer Experience" - access to all 17 videos.  
  • Access to all 7 audio teaching messages in the "7 Basics" 
  • Access to the "Where would you go if you died today?" video teaching
  • Access to all 5 "Getting a Grip" online masterclass courses
  • Access to all 8 "Life Basics" online courses
  • Access to all 22 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics"
  • Access to all 20 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Serving God"
  • Access to all 68 short teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Health and Healing"
  • Access to all 17 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Generous Living"
  • Access to all 10 teaching videos for "Getting a Grip on the Basics of Prayer"
  • Access to 28 teaching videos for "Approved"
  • Access to 28 teaching videos for "Grace for he Pace"
  • Access to 28 teaching videos for "The Inspired Life"
  • Access to 21 teaching videos for "The Faith Life"
  • Access to 20 teaching videos for "The Spirit Empowered Life"
  • Access to 20 teaching videos for "The Generous Life" 
  • Access to 16 teaching videos for "The Prayer Life"
  • Access to all 5 video teaching messages in "The Inspired Life" mini-course  
  • Access to daily audio Bible reading
  • Access to 100's of teaching video
"Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth."
2 Timothy 2:15, AMPC