Hello Friends,
I'm Beth Jones, a gal from Kalamazoo!
I'm so glad you stopped by. I hope you leave encouraged, inspired and empowered in your relationship with the Lord through a better understanding of the Bible basics ... and I hope you come back for more!
At The Basics With Beth, we are all about helping you do three things: get the basics, live the life and do the stuff!
The reason for this is two-fold. First, the Bible says that God's people perish for a lack of knowledge. They don't know what they don't know. I don't want anyone to perish because they "didn't know" what they needed to know.
Second, the Bible goes on to say that "...everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?" I am compelled to tell anyone who will listen about Jesus and His marvelous love and saving grace.
As a believer in Jesus for over 45 years, and as a founding, co-pastor with my husband, Jeff and a Bible basics teacher for over 30 years, I've noticed something. People are genuinely hungry for the simple truth. They don't want hype or magic-bullet sermons -- and they don't need great sounding theories; they want and deserve the basic, practical, proven and time-tested wisdom that comes from God's Word.
The Bible basics are the things that transformed my own life. Knowing Jesus and getting a hold of the basics of His Word is the simple recipe that God has used to elevate my life in every area -- so that's why I am passionate about bringing these basics to everyone who will listen!
I want to give to you the basic truths that have helped me and I don't want anything from you! I legitimately want to help YOU, and that's why we've made most of our resources available for FREE or for a low "name your own price" option! We offer loads of resources on this website for those who are hungry and thirsty. So, please help yourself to everything!
With love and blessings - now, go have fun exploring and soaking up the Bible basics,
do you know a pastor in a season of succession?
My husband and I love to encourage pastors who are in the season of succession! Did you know that in the next 10 years over 450,000 pastors will pass the baton to the next generation? Sadly, history tells us that many of those churches will not thrive after the baton is passed. We'd want to do our part to change that statistic by helping pastors prepare for succession. Our waiting list is now open as we prepare to offer another Succession Intensive in March 2025. If you know a pastor who could benefit, please share this link: Succession
scroll to access more resources to help you...
"get the basics, live the life and do the stuff."
free book!
Receive your free ebook, the "7 Basics" and reignite your faith!
free: beth's blog
Subscribe to my quarterly blog and you'll receive encouragement for your faith as well as the latest updates, announcements and news on releases and events.
name your own price online courses
We want to help strengthen your faith foundation -- that's why we offer over a dozen online courses where Beth Jones teaches the Bible basics in a fun, line-upon-line way! Now you can have total access to every online course for FREE!
the basics with beth app!
We are so excited to announce the launch of our new app! Now you can have access to hundreds of Bible basic sermons, videos, podcasts, books, online courses, blogs and exclusive "app only" content. All of these faith-building resources are now at your fingertips under one central hub. (Currently, the app is only available for Apple iphones. Android availability is on the horizon.)
now on the app: "the guided prayer experience"
Ever wanted a relaxing and informative prayer guide, you could access from your phone, to help you pray powerful, practical and productive prayers?
Jesus gave us The Lord's Prayer as a great model for prayer -- complete with six prayer pitstops! Remember?
In this manner, therefore, pray:
Prayer Pitstop #1: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Prayer Pitstop #2: Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Prayer Pitstop #3: Give us this day our daily bread.
Prayer Pitstop #4: And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Prayer Pitstop #5: And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Prayer Pitstop #6: For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Subscribe to the ADVANCED PLAN on the App and I will lead you through each Prayer Pitstop with a short explanation, prayer prompt and instrumental music so you can pray practical, powerful, and productive prayers.
i want to support the ministry.
You can make a difference by partnering with us. Perhaps you wonder how we are able to make all of these resources available for free? It's through the generous partnership and financial donations of people like you, what we call our Basics Ninja Warriors! Would you like to help us reach more people with the Bible basics? Ninja's are passionate about helping others get the basics, live the life and do the stuff.
Through your generous donations, we are able to make the gospel basics books, videos, podcasts, and online courses available to people around the world. Eternity will tell the story of all the lives your generosity impacted.
If you'd like to make a difference, you can.
Simply make a one-time or regular donation and become Basics Ninja Warrior! Every penny counts, so whether you contribute $10 a month or donate a one-time gift of $10,000, we will steward every cent to keep bringing the gospel basics to the world.